Congratulations, Mu Alpha Theta!

Congratulations to Caddo Magnet’s Mu Alpha Theta team, who traveled to Brother Martin High School in New Orleans to compete in their second Mu Alpha Theta tournament this year. ​

​Students take individual, team, and school tests during these tournaments.

Individual awards:

​Pre-Calculus: Max Shen, 1st place and Wesley Wynn, 2nd place
Calculus: Kevin Zhao, 3rd place and Nathan Tatum, Honorable Mention

Team awards:

Computational Math 2: 1st place went to the team of Max Shen, Hudson Miller, Shourya Tank, and Connor Sexton
Calculus AB: Nathan Tatum and Jai Koticha won 3rd place

​Magnet placed 2nd in the Upper Interschool test.

Way to go, Mu Alpha Theta, and thank you to their faculty sponsor Mrs Megan Veilleux!