The Caddo Magnet Student Council is made up of officers elected by the student body and senators voted on by candidates’ grade level. StuCo is dedicated to upholding the Caddo Magnet High School’s motto: In our hands we hold today; in our minds we hold tomorrow. StuCo continues to help the school grow and move forward with a student minded perspective. It promotes a sense of Magnet community by preserving traditions and helping to create new traditions to foster unity among the students. Magnet’s StuCo members hold themselves to the highest standards of leadership by leading with integrity and selflessly serving their fellow students, their faculty and the local community.
Website: Coming soon!
Student council will be meeting in 1st rotations this year during activity periods. We welcome all students who have done the student council member sign up form, found on our website.
President: Derrick Frierson
VP of Committees and Service: Bryanna Lacey
VP of Fundraising and Events: Jordan Reid
Press Secretary: Natalie Sin
Recording Secretary: Jonathan Sanchez
Historian: Shala Hopkins
Freshmen Reps: TBD with voting in September
Sophomore Reps: Lily Bodily, Maryanna Opoku
Junior Reps: Eric Williams, Caralise Canty
Faculty Sponsor: Casey Williamson and Tess Pepitone