Student Council

Student Council is dedicated to upholding the Caddo Magnet High School’s motto: In our hands we hold today; in our minds we hold tomorrow.  Student Council continues to help the school grow and move forward with a student-minded perspective.  It promotes a sense of Magnet community by preserving traditions and helping to create new traditions to foster unity among the students.  Magnet’s StuCo members hold themselves to the highest standards of leadership by leading with integrity and selflessly serving their fellow students, their faculty and the local community.
Student Council is open to all students who submit a completed teacher recommendation form in the fall and remain active in at least three events throughout the school year.  Student Council is involved in organizing the following activities:  pep rallies (three each year), a schoolwide food drive, the Magnet Gala, community service projects with local elementary schools and Holy Angels, Educated Drive for test prep materials, and two yearly StuCo socials.  The Student Council president and vice presidents lead pep rallies and the morning announcements.
Student council meets on 1st rotation this year during activity periods.

2024-2025 Officers:

President: Natalie Sin
VP of Committees and Service: Eric Williams
VP of Fundraising and Events: Marcelo Sessum
Press Secretary: Vennela Malireddy
Recording Secretary: Ellie Lokitz
Historian: Adam Mariano
Freshmen Reps: Aarushi Khadka, Madison Munoz
Sophomore Reps: Max Shen, Wesley Wynn
Junior Reps: Lily Bodily, Mari Opoku
Senior Reps: Caralise Canty, Liliya Salehi
Faculty Sponsors:  Casey Williamson and Tess Pepitone