Asian Studies Association

Asian Studies Association is a club at Magnet High whose goals are to recognize and celebrate the various Asian cultures at our school, to build our community with numerous service opportunities, and to bring people together, to make new friends with common backgrounds or interests.

Simultaneously a culture club, ASA is also focuses on serving the community, offering service opportunities throughout the school year.

Examples of regular service opportunities include:

  • Landscaping for the Asian Gardens at the corner of Common St. and Milam St.
  • Visiting Nursing Homes
  • Working at the First Baptist Church Chinese New Year Celebration
  • Annual Lecture/Cultural Celebration at CMHS
  • Displaying talent at ASEANA foundation’s Spring Festival

Dues are $10 per year which includes a club t-shirt.

One does NOT have to be Asian to join.

Sponsor | Dr. Angelito Cabural-Go