Zachary Kirkendoll, 2024-2025 Mustang Battalion Commander
The Mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to be better citizens. The CMHS JROTC Mustang Battalion was created in 1982. It has provided character and leadership education to thousands of students. JROTC is open to all students regardless of grade level, and there is no military obligation for participation.
Many cadets take just the first two years of JROTC to fulfill their Health class requirements, as JROTC provides both Health and PE credits. However, after being in the program for two years, most cadets start to find purpose and family in JROTC, prompting them to stay for the full four years. Often, the “Corps Commander of Caddo Parish JROTC” is a cadet from the CMHS Mustang Battalion.

The Mustang Battalion fosters constant involvement with Caddo Magnet High, the Caddo Parish community, and beyond. In 2024, the Mustang Battalion instituted the first Purple Star Program in Caddo Parish. The Purple Star Program helps schools and communities respond to the social, economic, and emotional needs of military dependents in schools. In addition, every Veteran’s Day the battalion marches at the Louisiana State Fairgrounds and hosts a special event on school grounds. This recognizes and respects the selfless service that veterans have gifted our nation. To encourage this ideal of service, students are also expected to plan and execute a yearly community service project to aid people in need.
JROTC aims to provide cadets with a strong foundation of courage, respect, and selfless service. Among the events available to cadets that continuously foster these ideals are our 9/11 Ceremony, national and local Orienteering Competitions, Parades, Drill and Color Guard Competitions, Varsity and Junior Varsity Rifle Teams, a nationally ranked Academic Team, Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge, LSUS STEM Camp, Mississippi State University STEM Camp, National Flight Academy, and many more opportunities to help cadets be the best version of themselves they can be.
SFC (R) Russell Mason, Army Instructor
SGM Anthony Alford, Senior Army Instructor