Below are a few videos to help “get a feel” for Magnet. Check out our newest video, We Are Magnet, to get a sense of all the things our students are involved in! Special thanks to Assistant Principal Mrs. Schannon Lanclos for all her hard work putting this video together. We are excited to share a little of what makes Magnet Magnet!
For the videos below, we would like to thank Gregory Kallenberg, Chris Lyons, Alexander Jeffrey and Paul Petersen of Bespoke Works, Laurie Ilgenfritz, and the Caddo Parish Public Schools Communications Department for all of their help in putting these videos together.
Video produced by the Caddo Parish Public Schools Communications Department commemorating the 2018 National Blue Ribbon Award:
Video produced by Laurie Ilgenfritz as part of a Louisiana Department of Education Principal of the Year packet:
2019 LDOE High School Principal of the Year Semi-finalist
Magnet is… video produced in 2015 by Mr. Chris Lyons and Mr. Gregory Kallenberg: