Spread the Success
Mission Statement:
We are dedicated to the development of children, especially underprivileged students, through education and extracurricular activities.
Spread the Success is a service-oriented organization that focuses on expanding access to quality education and on improving the quality of life for children in our community. We partner with organizations such as Volunteers of America North Louisiana, Common Ground, Providence House, and The Renzi Center to amplify their essential work. You can become involved by joining our Remind (@cmhsuccess) and attending our meetings.
2021-2022 Officers
Co-Presidents: Sara Oberle and Abigail Nickelson
Vice President: Jazmyn Mason
Representatives: Anjali Veerareddy, Chloe Mouton, Anika Alla
Remind code: @cmhsuccess
Facebook: Spread the Success
Website: https://spreadthesuccess.wixsite.com/succeed
Sponsors: Deborah Morehead and Lisa Cooper