Welcome back from Thanksgiving break and happy December! Here are your events for the week of December 2.
Monday, December 2:
PTSA meeting in the library at 5:30pm
Power Lifting parent meeting in the cafeteria at 6:00pm
Tuesday, December 3:
GT Night for incoming 9th graders, 5:30pm in the PAC
Boys Soccer vs Captain Shreve, 6:00pm at Lee Hedges
Wednesday, December 4:
Kona Ice on sale during lunch shifts
Thursday, December 5:
Activity period 3rd rotation
Girls Soccer, Bossier Tournament
Piano Concert at 6pm in the PAC
Wrestling vs Parkway, 6pm at Parkway
Friday, December 6:
Activity period 4th rotation
Yearbook picture retakes during lunch shifts in the dance room
Soccer: Bossier Tournament
Ernest J Gaines Literary Symposium on campus all day
Saturday, December 7:
Boys and Girls Soccer at Bossier Tournament
Wrestling Tournament at Parkway
Midterm exams are coming up! We will have half days the week of December 16, with all students dismissed at 12:30-1:00. On Thursday, December 19 students may leave after their 7th hour exam is finished at 10:30am if they pre-submit a checkout note to the office. (details to come!)
Monday, December 16: 1st and 4th hour exams
Tuesday, December 17: 2nd and 5th hour exams
Wednesday, December 18: 3rd and 6th hour exams
Thursday, December 19: 7th hour exam