“The American High School Theatre Festival is wonderful,” writes British reporter Laura Kressly. “It gives school students from the US and Canada the opportunity to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Fest as well as travel abroad, and is often the first chance participants have to travel outside their home country. Teacher-directors also have a platform for showcasing their skills in front of an international audience, so it’s sad that these student productions are often ignored by press.” Overall, she writes, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Gotham by Caddo Parish Magnet High School in Louisiana is one of the festival’s offerings, and whilst it certainly has its issues, it has plenty of merits.”
“Reeves has innate instinct for physical comedy and a clear skill in developing that in her students,” continues Kressly. “There are plenty of chuckles to be had in the mechanicals’ scenes that steal the show. The performances are hammy and over-the-top, but that’s the sort that works best for these characters who are rooted in Commedia stock characters and slapstick. She has some wonderfully confident pupils in her cast, with Echo Patriquin as Helena and Scott Martin as Flute/Thisby the most consistent examples.”
James Beagon, Scots writer for BroadwayBaby.com, said of the Caddo Magnet production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Gotham in Edinburgh: “The cast are all very likeable. Talent and volume does vary, but their enthusiasm is universal. Among the most noteworthy performances were those of Echo Patriquin and Scott Martin. Patriquin’s passionate portrayal of Helena is worthy of an actress twice her age, whilst Scott Martin’s natural comedic talent bubbles through delightfully in his portrayal of Frances Flute & Thisby.”
Maddie Tinsley, Scott Martin, Summer Jones, Joy Rester.
Above, Echo Patriquin.
More photos of Midsummer Gotham.