CMHS Mock Trial Teams Ranked #1 and #2 in Louisiana

Congratulations to Caddo Magnet High Mock Trial! Last weekend, CMHS Mock Trial Teams 1 and 2 competed at the State Mock Trial Competition.

Anika Alla and Autumn Sommers received “Best Attorney” awards. Luke Crittell and Nate Brown received “Best Witness” awards. Each team won their preliminary rounds and, for the first time, went head-to-head in the Final State Championship Round.

CMHS Team #1 will now proceed to the National Competition in May.

Team 1: Jessica Chu, Luke Crittell, William Li, Abigail Nickelson, Autumn Sommers, Justina Vo, Lily Williams

Team 2: Anika Alla, Helaina Ballis, Nate Brown, Kennedi Brown, Sophie Chen, Morgan Conduff, Arjun Desai

Local attorneys Sarah Smith, Audrius Reed, and Steve Soileau coach these top Mock Trial teams.