Caddo Magnet Earns Golden Achievement Award from LSU

At the Senior Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 30th, Annisia Osborne awarded Caddo Magnet the 2016 Golden Achievement Award.  Annisia is the college rep for LSU-Baton Rouge and is also a Caddo Magnet alum!  Please see the letter below explaining why Caddo Magnet received this award.  Ms. Osborne read this as she presented the award.



Good evening graduates, family members and faculty. Thank you for allowing Louisiana State University to be part of the celebration of your accomplishments.

Every Spring, Louisiana State University invites the best and brightest seniors from Louisiana and the nation to participate in our Spring Invitational Program.

This year, Spring Invitational was attended by over 1300 seniors. These seniors represented high schools from both in state and out of state. During the three days on our campus, these students took advanced standing examinations in six different college subjects. By passing these examinations, the students earned credits in college courses.

The LSU Golden Achievement Award is presented to those high schools whose students earned the most college credits at Spring Invitational.

This year, Caddo Magnet High School is a recipient of this prestigious award. The 12 seniors that attended Spring Invitational earned a total of 122 hours of college credits. That is an average of 10.17 credit hours per student. Or another way of looking at it is that each student has saved his or her parents an average of $3295.08 in college costs. [Approximately $324.00 per credit hour for tuition and fees – based on a traditional 15 hour per semester course load for the 2015 – 2016 school year.]

The Golden Achievement Award is a recognition of excellence in education. Receiving this award is a reflection of the quality of the students and the dedication of the faculty and staff at your high school.

On behalf of LSU, I am pleased to present the Golden Achievement Award to the students and the faculty of Caddo Magnet High School.


LSU Golden Award